Hallo ihr Lieben, ich habe mich schon wieder viel zu lange nicht gemeldet, was daran liegt, dass ich gerade in der Klausurenphase stecke und viel lernen muss. Dennoch liegt mir jetzt ein Thema am Herzen, das ich hier unbedingt teilen möchte. Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich angefangen „Der Medicus“ von Noah Gordon zu lesen […]
The Sapphires
Hey guys! I really can’t believe how much time has passed since my last post. But from now on I want to blog more frequently again. Todays post is about „The Sapphires“, an Australian movie from 2012. What is it about?The Sapphires is loosely based on a true story. It takes place in the year […]
Life of Pi
I watched this movie in the nice little cinema in my hometown lately and I thought it was quite moving. I really think about buying the book but at first I shortly want to present the film to you. The main charactere is the Indian boy Pi. His family decides to move to Canada as […]